kupno | sprzedaż | |
Taiwanese Dollar |
0.11500 | 0.14700 |
The currency also known as the New Taiwan dollar is the official currency of the Republic of China and is issued by the Central Bank of the Republic of China. The New Taiwan dollar was introduced in 1949 to replace the old Taiwan dollar in order to combat hyperinflation - it was initially issued by the Bank of Taiwan but since 2000 the issuance has been managed by the BCRC.
Awers 2000 Taiwan dollars 2002
Rewers 2000 Taiwan dollars 2002
Awers 1000 Taiwan dollars 2005
Rewers 1000 Taiwan dollars 2005
Awers 500 Taiwan dollars 2005
Rewers 500 Taiwan dollars 2005
Awers 200 Taiwan dollars 2002
Rewers 200 Taiwan dollars 2002
Awers 100 Taiwan dollars 2002
Rewers 100 Taiwan dollars 2002