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Cena detaliczna
kupno sprzedaż
Somoni Tajikistan TJS
Somoni Tajikistan
0.25776 0.47871

Tajikistan Somoni Exchange in Wroclaw

The official currency of Tajikistan, introduced on October 30, 2000, replacing the Tajik ruble - divided into 100 dirams. The currency was named after Ismail Samani, the founder of the Samanid dynasty. The Tajik Somoni exchange rate against the Polish zloty may change, current prices are given in the table above. Somoni banknotes are regularly modernized with improved security features such as holograms, which increases their security against counterfeiting.

500 somoni 2018 - Awers

Awers 500 somoni 2018

500 somoni 2018 - Rewers

Rewers 500 somoni 2018

200 somoni 2018 - Awers

Awers 200 somoni 2018

200 somoni 2018 - Rewers

Rewers 200 somoni 2018

100 somoni 2017 - Awers

Awers 100 somoni 2017

100 somoni 2017 - Rewers

Rewers 100 somoni 2017

50 somoni 2018 - Awers

Awers 50 somoni 2018

50 somoni 2018 - Rewers

Rewers 50 somoni 2018

20 sunday 2018 - Awers

Awers 20 sunday 2018

20 sunday 2018 - Rewers

Rewers 20 sunday 2018

10 somoni 2018 - Awers

Awers 10 somoni 2018

10 somoni 2018 - Rewers

Rewers 10 somoni 2018

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